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Challenges in Pumping Applications
Manufacturing Influencers
In my oil degrading?
OptimizingYour Pumps With Digital Twins
Pump Sealing for the mining industry
Centrifugal Pump Selection-
Randal Ferman
Centrifugal Pump Selection
Energy and Modern Infrastructure Society: Small hydropower, Endless possibilities- Rana Elbittibssi- Women of SWPA
energy modern infrastructure society
ultrasound applications for motors
redefining mining

Bearing Failure due to Electrical Damage in Mining Motors- Andy Kressbach Electro Static Technology/ITW
Bearing Failure due to Electrical Damage
Scaling Innovation Expectations
Sealing Solutions for Dynamic Applications
Sustainable Leaders panel
Water Reclamation and Advocacy
Workforce panel
The importance of Energy Efficiency: Changing the Paradigm & The Energy Efficiency Movement-
H.J. Dewes
importance of energy efficiency
Bridging the Skills Gap-
Dan Colban
Bridging the Skills Gap
Technology's impact of decision making in our industry's future- Gakuo Ndonga
Technolog's impact of decision making
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